Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Signing Passion...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I decided to start a blog that includes everything about sign language because it has been my passion for almost 20 years now and what better way to share this beautiful language then to blog about it! I really am hoping that everyone will find this information fun, informative, interesting and helpful.

I first started in signing while in high school...well, not actually signing per say, I just started with the ASL (American Sign Language) alphabet. Why? Well, honestly...all my girlfriends and I practiced and practiced all year our sophomore year so we could cheat on our exams. :)  We figured how easy would it be to learn how to spell "quietly" down by our sides where the teacher would not see, to "help" each other with the answers. Needless to say, actually studying the class material instead would of most likely been much more helpful! Yet...it did bring me to where I am today... Completely over the top in love with this beautiful language and the community that uses it! Since then, after almost 20 years of learning, teaching and immersing myself in sign...here we are. 

xedos4 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
I am so excited to share lots of tidbits of info on signing, the deaf community, products, classes and everything sign with you! If you have any ideas, questions or info you are seeking please let me know and I will do everything I can to get it out there for you!

Thanks for stopping by and remember...

Colleen T :)

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